Have you felt there’s something hidden within stopping you from living the life you’re meant to live?

Have you suffered a loss or a traumatic event and are having a difficult time moving through it?

Do you struggle with anxiety and fear? Are you struggling with addiction and finding compassion for self?



Private individual sessions with Angie Payne will incorporate the loving attention of an equine partner and a canine partner. A session begins outside of the round pen while the equine coach is a spectator from inside the round pen. Horses pick up things inside of us that often we don’t realize in that moment. It is an exploratory process of energetic connection between our client, the human coach and the horse. Horses provide feedback and will do this from a great distance or from being up close and personal. The belief is that the answers lie within the client and we strive to facilitate the opening of a deeper relationship within you.

Individual coaching sessions are based on The Equine Gestalt Coaching Method® developed by Melisa Pearce. Melisa Pearce is a core founder since 1989, of the horse-human healing movement. The experiential nature of the method involves the horse as an active partner with the coach in the client’s exploratory process. The integrative approach of the equine’s interaction combined with positive coaching, somatic awareness guidance and Gestalt methodology, assists the client in examining their life and choices made with a focus on designing a positive future. Learn more about The Equine Gestalt Coaching Method® here.

We do not ride the horses during healing sessions and you need not know anything about horses. All that is required is an openness to experience whatever the horses has to offer during your process!